Thursday, January 21, 2016

Random Act Of Kindness

As a first grade teacher when a holiday rolls around, I like to dress the part. I bought a super cute sweater to wear on Valentine's Day but just in case it was too warm, I wanted to get a lighter shirt I could wear as well.  I  was looking for a cute valentines shirt that wasn't too valentines that I couldn't wear it other times of the year. 

So I found this cute shirt from Crazy Consuela on Etsy. (

It was perfect and the message is great. So I started a conversation with the shop owner, asked a question, explained I was a first grade teacher and why I was buying the shirt. I thanked her for her time and told her I ordered a shirt. 

Today, I get an email saying my money had been refunded. I couldn't figure out what had happened. Was the shop owner out of shirts? Could she not make more? I noticed I had a new message  from the shop owner. Here is what it said. 
How incredibly sweet is that. She chose me to share a little random act of kindness and is not charging me for the shirt! I was so surprised! Thank you to her. Ya'll should go check out her shop! She has some cute stuff. 

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