Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Cause Box by Sevenly

Here's a new kind of subscription box that does good. It's called Cause Box by Sevenly. Every 3 months this box comes packed with $150+ of "world-changing products for woman". When you subscribe you get to choose a charity and a portion of your subscription price will go to that charity.

Click the link above to check out the website and learn more. What a great way to give back. I do not get points of money off my next box, if you decide to subscribe. I just wanted to share this so others can help do good.

Here is what I got in my box:

This is the box and what the packaging looks like

This elephant necklace is made by Matterial Fix- Empower a girl, change the world. The proceeds from this necklace help Freedom Firm (who has partnered with Matterial Fix) rescue and restore girls in India who have been subjected to sex trafficking. 

Thank you card/seal kit, because we all need to write more thank you cards. 

Some quotable stickers

This one speaks for itself

For every snack bar bought a packet of life saving food is delivered to a child in need.

Handmade leather pouch by people in East Africa

This is probably my most favorite thing in the box. Click on the photo to enlarge and read the card that goes with this bottle.

Handmade scarf by a hardworking woman named Alem in Africa.

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