Monday, August 6, 2012

Million Dollar Pasta

Another Pinterest success! This is really easy and is a great base recipe. You can add anything you want to this to make it your own.

Here is the orignal recipe including how I tweaked it.

1 lb. of Ground Beef **I didn't use any meat at all
1 can of Spaghetti Sauce **10 oz.
8 oz of Cream Cheese **used low fat cream cheese
1/4 cup of Sour Cream **used low fat Sour Cream
1/2 lb. of Cottage Cheese **used low fat Cottage Cheese
Whole Stick of Butter *You don't need this much butter. I cut a few small pieces to put
on the bottom of the pan and on the second layer of pasta.
8 oz. of Noodles
Bag of Sharp Chedder Cheese **used fat free cheese

**Other things I added:
Italian seasoning to the cheese mixture
chopped up mushrooms and mixed it in the sauce
~You can totally add any other veggies or meats you like or even substitute Ricotta cheese for the cottage cheese (which I almost did because I can not eat cottage cheese. The texture just makes me gag, but when mixed here... YUMO, so glad I used it).

What ya do:
*Put your over on 350
*Boil your noodles
*While they are boiling go ahead and mix up the cream cheese, sour cream and cottage cheese
*Mix it well- they used their stand mixer... but a bowl and spatula work just as well.~I also added my italian seasoning here.

***If you are going to use meat cook it now and add the spaghetti sauce to it***

*Since I didn't use meat, I took my spaghetti sauce ~Chopped up my mushrooms and added them to the sauce, put it in a bowl and warmed it in the microwave -cover the bowl with a paper towel-
*Put a few slices of butter on the bottom of your 9X13 pan.
*Place half of the noodles on the butter
*Dump your cheese mixture on top of the noodles and spread it out.
*Put just a small amount of butter on top of those noodles and then pour the sauce (Whether it's the meat sauce or not) on top of the noodles.
*Pop it in the oven for 30 min.
*Pull out and add some cheddar cheese to the top and put it back in for (the recipe said 20 but I did) 10 minutes or until the cheese is nice and melted and maybe get a little crunch on the top noodles. ;)

That's it... Super easy right? If you try it let me know how you liked it or what you tweaked to make it your own!


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