Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thankful Day 20

Today I am thankful for my cousins, The C family. They took time out of their trip back home to make a detour to see me! I haven't seen them in a year so I was so excited, and overjoyed to get the chance today. The kids are growing and I got to meet baby J for the first time today. He was so full of smiles and happy to be around new friends. We chatted a bit, played a lot and had some BBQ for dinner.

Today (and everyday) C Family I am thankful for you. Thank you for bringing so much love and joy into my life. I will always remember the special times we share!

Our traditional Greek Girl Photo. Ever since M was a baby, we've taken a photo together, Me, my cousin D, her daughter M, and D's mother. We're missing a member of our photo, but I am thankful we got to take a picture. We have only missed one year of photo taking, when M was 3yrs old.

I bought M a rainbow ribbon to twirl around! She loved it.

I bought S and Baby J each a ball and when it bounces it lights up.

Baby J and his ball! He loved sitting with me and making them light up. Such a sweet happy baby boy!

Baby J and I!

The kids played and ate and got PJs on. Just before they left, I gave each child a Snuggle Monster that I had made (sorry no picture). So happy they like them!

Thank you again C family for making the journey to come see me. I love and miss you guys!

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