Saturday, October 22, 2011

Best Birthday Present Ever

So my birthday was on Tuesday, and my hubby, the wonderful guy that he is, got me what I have been wanting for the longest time, an SLR camera! He got me a NIKON D3100! It's so nice and it came with 2 lenses a camera bag, a soft case for one of the lenses, and a memory card! YAY! I've been a picture taking fool!

Here are a couple:

Sammy on the Patio:

Pudge wanted to play with his ball and when I told him no he said....

I also went to a Greek Festival today with the Hubs to celebrate my birthday since it fell on a Tuesday and he had to work. It was so much fun and I had the BEST food at a Greek festival that I've ever had!

Zorba's Plate:

St. Sophia's Church:

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