Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thankful Day 8

Today I am thankful for my very dear friend Hetal and her family. They have been such a big part of my life for the past few years. They have almost taken me in and made me a little part of their family. Hetal is a good friend and she will always give you her honest opinion, no matter what. She always helps me to see "the other side of the coin" to make sure I'm making the right choices when I need her advice. She's fun loving, thoughtful, and really one of those friends you always wish you had. Her little son Z, is amazing. He brings, like his mom, so much joy to my life. Just hearing him say my name Sacey (Which has now graduated to Stacey...sniff,sniff) makes my heart smile, so much so, that his mom's ring tone on my phone is him singing happy birthday to me!

Thank you Hetal for your friendship and everything you have done for me. I am thankful for you (and little Z too).


  1. I'm thankful to have you as a friend too! You have become a large part of my life and I can't imagine it without you! Thank you my friend for your sweet words!

  2. BIG HUGS MY FRIEND! I was so happy I found that picture of the 3 of us because I think it's the only one I have.
