Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thankful Day 2

Nov. 2nd

Today I am thankful for my friend, Amanda M. We met through out job and right as she was hired by my former principal, the boss herself came to find me and told me, we just hired our 4th grade teacher. Her name is Amanda and I think the two of you would get along great! And boy if she wasn't right. We are two snowballs from the same wrapper. She has been an amazing friend. We can act stupid and silly and not worry about embarrassing each other. We can have serious "life talks" and go on random trips and no matter where we are or what we talk about we are ALWAYS laughing at some point. When I moved to Texas this Summer, Amanda decided she wanted to Road Trip it in the car with me as we drove from California. That's a true friend to sit in a car with you for 2 and a half days. She made a VERY HARD experience one thousand times easier.

Thank you Amanda for your continued friendship. I am so thankful and blessed that God has put you in my life.

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